Udderly Awesome Cow Calendar

Do you love your cows as much as we do? We are looking for 12 months of beautiful bovines, send us your best photo’s and our panel of Judges will pick the winners to appear in our 2023 wall calendar.


Peacock Technology are excited to launch our Udderly Awesome Cow Calendar competition. We just can’t get enough of your delectable dairy cows and in 2023 we want to share our favourites with you throughout the year on our wall calendar.

We are looking for photo’s that you’ve taken of your best bovine and if you’re one of the 12 winners, we will feature your artwork in our 2023 calendar.

An independent panel of judges will select the 12 winners to appear on the calendar and all competition entrants will receive a copy of our 2023 Calendar.

Photos must be good quality to print. Please upload your photo along with your contact details using the form below.

Entry to the competition will close at midnight on 30 June 2022 with winners notified by the 31 August 2022.

By entering, you are confirming that you agree with the competition’s terms and conditions below and provide consent for the photograph(s) to be used in our calendar.


Enter Here (get moooving!)


Terms and Conditions

The competition is to have your photograph(s) featured in a Peacock Technology’s 2023 Wall Calendar.

Individual entrants are responsible for ensuring that they have read, understood and abided by these terms and conditions before submitting their photographs.

Any entry found not to comply with these terms is liable to be disqualified.

The competition is free to enter and is open to all ages. Entrants under the age of 12 years need to have parent or guardian consent to enter.

Entries must be taken within the United Kingdom, and is open to UK residents only (including residents of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man).

There is no limit to the number of entries each person enters.

Entries must be high resolution digital files.

Images may be digitally enhanced to remove spots or scratches, but not manipulated. Entrants can enhance the picture to make it brighter, clearer etc, but not manipulate the content. The judges reserve the right to exclude any image they believe may have been excessively treated so as to alter its authenticity.

Entries will not be accepted by post and any postal entries will not be entered or returned.

Telephone or e-mail confirmation of receipt is not available.

Entrants must not be professional photographers and, for the purposes of this competition, a professional photographer will be considered to be someone who makes more than half their annual income from the sale of their photographs.

Each entry should be accompanied with name, address, contact telephone number and where the photo was taken.

Entry into the 2023 competition will close at midnight on 30 June 2022. Entries received after this date and time will not be considered.

Winners will be notified by 31 August 2022. Unsuccessful entrants will not be contacted and no feedback on any entry will be provided

Entries should be uploaded on the competition entry page at www.PeacockTechnology.com

The organisers accept no responsibility for entries lost or delayed during electronic transmission.

All entries will be judged by a panel of judges. The judges will select a shortlist of twelve photographs (the 'Winners') which, in their opinion, best illustrate the theme of the competition. They will consider a range of factors including composition, age of entrant, technical ability, originality, interpretation of the brief and the commercial appeal of the photographs.

The judges’ decision is final.

All entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party. The entrants must be the sole owner of copyright in all photographs entered and must have obtained permission of any people featured in the entries or their parents/guardians if children under 16 are featured. Further, entrants must not have breached any laws when taking their photographs.

Prior to submission, entrants must not have offered any of their entries for sale, been paid for any publication of any of their entries or won or been a runner up in any other photographic competition with any of their entries.

Entrants will retain copyright in the photographs that they submit to the Peacock Technology Calendar. By entering the competition all entrants grant to the Peacock Technology Calendar the right to publish and exhibit their photographs. Entrants whose photographs are one of the Winners selected to appear in the Peacock Technology Calendar 2023 grant to Peacock Technology the further rights to publish and exhibit their photographs in print, on their respective websites or in any other media. No fees will be payable for any of the above uses. While we make every effort to credit photographers, including in printed reproductions of their work, we cannot guarantee that every broadcast use of the photographs will include photographers' names.

By entering, entrants will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by these rules and the judges reserve the right to exclude any entry from the competition at any time and in its absolute discretion if the judges have reason to believe that an entrant has breached these rules.